Thursday, September 12, 2013

Final Conversation Between Michael Cantatore & Gregory Reda On September 11, 2001

I wanted to share the final conversation one of my fellow WTCSN members had with his brother on September 11, 2001. This is from his facebook post on September 11, 2013. In the timeline of events, this was transpiring while I was trying to escape the same tower that Greg was in. During this exchange, I am in the stairwell and Greg is stuck at the top of the North Tower (World Trade Center) on the 95th floor.

Copied from Michael Cantatore's Facebook Page:

Please remember the events of September 11, 2001. Michael Cantatore feeling depressed at World Trade Center Site September 11, 2001 · New York, NY What does 9/11 mean to me? Here's part of it, my version of the 9/11 timeline. My last conversation with my best friend and brother Gregory Reda, via our work Blackberry pagers. Please read with discretion.

8:51 GREG: Where are you?
8:52 ME: I'm home. Where are you? Call me asap.
8:55 GREG: Can't call. Big prob at wtc. Stuck on 95 with 6 others. Stuck in my corner. Call wtc security pls. Let them know. 8:55 ME: Hang in there. Will call.
9:01 GREG: Still ok. Fire on floor. Can't get off.
9:01 ME: Talk to me. Where are you? Are you ok?The other building has jest been hit.
9:09 ME: Where are you?
9:09 ME: Who is with you?
9:10 GREG: Lourdes cube. Approximately 12 other people. Safe but fire in core but safe.
9:10 ME: I assume all power is out??
9:12 GREG: Boris alva ken jack yuen carlos ken astrid janet Mike waye alex and ?
9:12 GREG: Yes
9:13 ME: Are you getting cell service?
9:15 GREG: No cell
9:15 ME: Has anyone tried the stairs? Is smoke getting in? They have(nt) confirmed it but this has got to be terrorists attacking the buildings with planes.
9:19 GREG: Fire in core.
9:22 ME: IS the floor smokey? Can u gather fire extinguishers?
9:25 GREG: Very smokey. Broke windows. Can't get to core. Both hallways blocked. Stuck in corner. Call Nicole. Tell her am ok for now. Love her. Pray.
9:30 ME: Did it hit your floor or under you?
9:32 GREG: ?
9:32 ME: A plane slammed into our building then a second slammed into wtc2 18 minutes later.
9:45 ME: What's going on? 9:52 ME: Where are you? Page me ASAP 9:55 GREG: Getting worse. Smoke and fire. Get someone pls. 9:55 ME: Bud, there is no way anyone is getting up there. Any time soon. Are you ok? We jus saw 2 go down.
10:03 GREG: Fie here Love yous
10:03 ME: We love you too. Keep talking to me! Tell me what you want nicole to know. Consider making a run for it if you can. *This message was marked as delivered. My next message, sent about two minutes later came back as not delivered.

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