Thursday, September 11, 2014

The 13th Anniversary of September 11, 2001

It has been 13 years since that pivotal point in my life. I vowed that I would not allow it to define me and I think I've done fairly well about carving out my journey on life's path with that day merely representing a date on the timeline. A big spot, but none the less, just a spot or mark along the way.

I knew I needed to get out of the stairwell alive because my daughter needed her mother. Intellectually, I knew that she would be taken care of if I were to perish but something nagged at me about her specifically needing my guidance. It was what kept me going that day. Who would have known what the next 13 years would bring in life? Such ups and downs but filled with great despair and joys - very rich. I recently read about studies that have linked resiliency to allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Thus far, I would say that my experience on September 11, 2001 has made me the most vulnerable of any of the things I've encountered in life.

I often struggle to keep my faith and spirituality in perspective and remember that God is ALWAYS in control, even when I don't think so. My personality tends to make me want to take charge and sometimes he has to remind me that I'm over stepping into his territory. In the last 13 years, I have seen many things that God decided I still needed to experience in life - deaths, births, career changes, tragic accidents to loved ones, sending a family member to fight in a war, parenting struggles, new generations created, physical moves, faith and spiritual growth, and the list just goes on...

To my friends and family, thank you for unconditional love and understanding.
To those that gave their lives so I could go home - thank you will never be enough.
To those that lost loved ones - my heart weeps and I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. I will never forget the sacrifices your family has made. To the men & women that fight for my freedom - I admire you and appreciate your service to our country.
To my fellow survivors, thank you for not letting others 'forget' that day and for your strength and resilience.

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