Sunday, September 8, 2013

Approaching the 12th Anniversary of September 11, 2001

As we approach another anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks, I reflect upon the changes in the last 12 years.  There have been many both personally, professionally, globally and within our society.  My daughter turned 16 this year, I turned 40, and my husband will turn 50 - all milestone birthdays.  I'm sure the next few days will bring much more than just reflection.  Brian is having surgery tomorrow (wasn't a date we'd particularly have requested but have to go with it) so that will be able to keep me preoccupied.

Last year presented me with many physical obstacles and I was very thankful to start 2013 and put 2012 behind me.  2013 has been much better health wise!

At this time of year there are many things being done in an effort to get others to Remember September 11th, 2001 and for some of us - there is no way in the world we could possibly forget it.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't remember it.  While I couldn't possibly articulate the horrors from that day (and I try to not focus on them), I am able to do a better job of articulating the positive things and the beauty that have arisen out of the devastation.  

Last month, I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Michael Hingson in person.  He was another survivor from the north tower (a complete stranger) that inspired me to keep going that day.  When the Kansas City Star interviewed me after I finally made it back to Kanas City that week, I recalled the blind man ( and his guide dog from the stairwell.  Roselle has since passed on but I met Michael's new guide dog, Africa and got to discuss our experiences in person, something I've never been able to do with another survivor from the same tower over the last 12 years.  It was a beautiful, emotionally tangible time.

I was once interviewed by one of my young relatives and asked to summarize my experience that day into a single sentence.  What a tough request.  However, my response was, "I got to experience the beauty and destruction of humanity, while witnessing history, all in the same day."

I'm sure that I will be posting more on Facebook or blogging over the next few days...

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